Punctele portocalii sunt puse (ulterior) pentru usurinta afisarii, iar caracterele sunt cu galben, initial nu le pusesem la temperatura:
- temperatura negativa cu 2 cifre inainte de virgula:
- temperatura negativa cu o cifra inainte de virgula:
- temperatura pozitiva cu o cifra inainte de virgula:
- temperatura pozitiva cu 2 cifre inainte de virgula:
Programul, care realizeaza noul mod de afisare al temperaturii, este mini_clock_1_3_b.ino.
Puteti vedea cum se vad informatiile pe ecranul matricial in filmuletele:
- ceas matriceal cu alarma, termometru si higrometru (2)
Hi Nicu! Great!
RăspundețiȘtergereFor the lazy (like me), it would be nice, in place of the buttons, to implement in the code an IR Remote Control; what do you think?
I'll give the tip on the wordpress website.
now, I haven't free time for Arduino... but you can try yourself adding part of IR control instead switch... or replace Ardujno with ESP8266 and gave automatic ajust..
ȘtergereCould you give me a hint of "how to add part of the IR control"? I have little knowledge about programming on Arduino. Thank you
RăspundețiȘtergereI try next week
ȘtergereMany thanks friend! How can I know?
ȘtergereI'll put video on youtube or article on blog
ȘtergereThanks Nicu, I'll be waiting!
RăspundețiȘtergereHi niq_ro
RăspundețiȘtergereI do not want to be bothering you or hurrying at all! I'm just reminding you of our conversation earlier; best regards
Any news niq_ro? (about the IR)
RăspundețiȘtergereSorry, I'm very busy. I don't forget you, but...
ȘtergereThank you very much;
RăspundețiȘtergereI don't want to be bothering you, but when you have time available ... I'll be waiting.
Hugs from Brazil,
I have tried all versions of your sketches; very cool!
RăspundețiȘtergereI happy for this news... I'm very busy now and I can't made any ptojects with Arduino