joi, 12 decembrie 2013

Afisaje LED cu 7 segmente si.. Arduino (III)

   La solicitarea lui Jay (cu care am legat o buna prietenie datorita lui Arduino), fata de articolele precedente, cel din iunie - Afisaje LED cu 7 segmente si.. Arduino si cel din iulie - Afisaje LED cu 7 segmente si.. Arduino (II), acum o sa conectez la o placa Arduino doar afisajul multiplexat cu 4 cifre cu anod comun si un modul de ceas real, despre care am scris in articolele din mai -  Ceas de timp real (RTC) cu DS1307 si Arduino si din iunie - Ceas de timp real (RTC) cu DS1307 si Arduino (partea a 2-a) rezultandu-mi un ceas, doar un ceas in care saafisez orele si minutele.. atat.
   Schema de conectare este foarte simpla:
   Schema interna a afisajului folosit de mine, KW4-563ASA este:

   Pentru a usurinta inlocuirii afisajului cu altul similar (dar alta configuratie a pinilor) prezint urmatorul tabel:
   Am facut un filmulet cu varianta in care secundarul este "animat", numit just a clock with Arduino and 7-segment display + RTC:
iar sketch-ul, care nu e optim din punct de vedere al programarii, dar "merge" foarte bine:
 Spark Fun Electronics 2011
 Nathan Seidle

 This code is public domain but you buy me a beer if you use this and we meet 
 someday (Beerware license).

 4 digit 7 segment display:

 This is an example of how to drive a 7 segment LED display from an ATmega
 without the use of current limiting resistors. This technique is very common 
 but requires some knowledge of electronics - you do run the risk of dumping 
 too much current through the segments and burning out parts of the display. 
 If you use the stock code you should be ok, but be careful editing the 
 brightness values.

 This code should work with all colors (red, blue, yellow, green) but the 
 brightness will vary from one color to the next because the forward voltage 
 drop of each color is different. This code was written and calibrated for the 
 red color.

 This code will work with most Arduinos but you may want to re-route some of 
 the pins.

 7 segments
 4 digits
 1 colon
 12 pins required for full control 

// modified connexion by niq_ro from
// for my Luckylight KW4-563ASA
// dataseet:

int digit1 = 11; //PWM Display pin 12 (digit1 is common anonds A1 from right side)
int digit2 = 10; //PWM Display pin 9 (digit2 is  common A2)
int digit3 = 9; //PWM Display pin 8 (digit3 is common anods A3)
int digit4 = 6; //PWM Display pin 6 (digit4 is common anods, from left side)

//Pin mapping from Arduino to the ATmega DIP28 if you need it
int segA = 2; //Display pin 11
int segB = 3; //Display pin 7
int segC = 4; //Display pin 4
int segD = 5; //Display pin 2
int segE = 12; //Display pin 1
int segF = 7; //Display pin 10
int segG = 8; //Display pin 5
int segDP = 13; // Display pin 3

#include "DHT.h"
#define DHTPIN A2     // what pin we're connected to
#define DHTTYPE DHT11   // DHT 11 

#include <Wire.h>
#include "RTClib.h"

// Date and time functions using a DS1307 RTC connected via I2C and Wire lib
// original sketck from
// add part with SQW=1Hz from

void setup() {

 //  Serial.begin(57600);
// RTC.adjust(DateTime(__DATE__, __TIME__));
// if you need set clock... just remove // from line above this

// part code for flashing LED
Wire.write(0x07); // move pointer to SQW address
// Wire.write(0x00); // turns the SQW pin off
 Wire.write(0x10); // sends 0x10 (hex) 00010000 (binary) to control register - turns on square wave at 1Hz
// Wire.write(0x13); // sends 0x13 (hex) 00010011 (binary) 32kHz


  if (! RTC.isrunning()) {
    Serial.println("RTC is NOT running!");
    // following line sets the RTC to the date & time this sketch was compiled
    RTC.adjust(DateTime(__DATE__, __TIME__));
// dht.begin();

  pinMode(segA, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(segB, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(segC, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(segD, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(segE, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(segF, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(segG, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(segDP, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(digit1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(digit2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(digit3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(digit4, OUTPUT);
//  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);

 Serial.println("test for niq_ro");

void loop() {
digitalWrite(segDP, HIGH);
  DateTime now =;
  int timp = now.hour()*100+now.minute();
//   int timp = (now.minute(), DEC);
//   displayNumber(12); // this is number to diplay
//   int timp = 1234;
  Serial.print(now.hour(), DEC);
  Serial.print(now.minute(), DEC);
  Serial.print(" -> ");
  Serial.println(" !");

   int h = dht.readHumidity();
   int t = dht.readTemperature();

   for(int i = 1000 ; i >0  ; i--) {
     displayNumber(t); // this is number to diplay
   for(int i = 1000 ; i >0  ; i--) {
     displayNumber1(h); // this is number to diplay
   for(int i = 400 ; i >0  ; i--) {
     if (timp > 1000) displayNumber01(timp); 
     else displayNumber02(timp); 

   for(int i = 400 ; i >0  ; i--) {
     if (timp > 1000) displayNumber03(timp); 
     else displayNumber04(timp); 


//Given a number, we display 10:22
//After running through the 4 numbers, the display is left turned off

//Display brightness
//Each digit is on for a certain amount of microseconds
//Then it is off until we have reached a total of 20ms for the function call
//Let's assume each digit is on for 1000us
//Each digit is on for 1ms, there are 4 digits, so the display is off for 16ms.
//That's a ratio of 1ms to 16ms or 6.25% on time (PWM).
//Let's define a variable called brightness that varies from:
//5000 blindingly bright (15.7mA current draw per digit)
//2000 shockingly bright (11.4mA current draw per digit)
//1000 pretty bright (5.9mA)
//500 normal (3mA)
//200 dim but readable (1.4mA)
//50 dim but readable (0.56mA)
//5 dim but readable (0.31mA)
//1 dim but readable in dark (0.28mA)

void displayNumber(int toDisplay) {

#define DIGIT_ON  HIGH
#define DIGIT_OFF  LOW

  for(int digit = 4 ; digit > 0 ; digit--) {

    //Turn on a digit for a short amount of time
    switch(digit) {
    case 1:
      digitalWrite(digit1, DIGIT_ON);
      lightNumber(toDisplay % 10);
      toDisplay /= 10;
   case 2:
      digitalWrite(digit2, DIGIT_ON);
      lightNumber(toDisplay % 10);
      toDisplay /= 10;
    case 3:
      digitalWrite(digit3, DIGIT_ON);
      lightNumber(11); // display degree symbol
    case 4:
      digitalWrite(digit4, DIGIT_ON);
      lightNumber(12); // display C letter
     //Turn off all segments

    //Turn off all digits
    digitalWrite(digit1, DIGIT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(digit2, DIGIT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(digit3, DIGIT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(digit4, DIGIT_OFF);

void displayNumber1(int toDisplay) {

#define DIGIT_ON  HIGH
#define DIGIT_OFF  LOW

  for(int digit = 4 ; digit > 0 ; digit--) {

    //Turn on a digit for a short amount of time
    switch(digit) {
    case 1:
      digitalWrite(digit1, DIGIT_ON);
      lightNumber(toDisplay % 10);
      toDisplay /= 10;
   case 2:
      digitalWrite(digit2, DIGIT_ON);
      lightNumber(toDisplay % 10);
      toDisplay /= 10;
    case 3:
      digitalWrite(digit3, DIGIT_ON);
      lightNumber(10); // display degree symbol
    case 4:
      digitalWrite(digit4, DIGIT_ON);
      lightNumber(13); // display C letter
     //Turn off all segments

    //Turn off all digits
    digitalWrite(digit1, DIGIT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(digit2, DIGIT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(digit3, DIGIT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(digit4, DIGIT_OFF);

void displayNumber01(int toDisplay) {

#define DIGIT_ON  HIGH
#define DIGIT_OFF  LOW

  for(int digit = 4 ; digit > 0 ; digit--) {

    //Turn on a digit for a short amount of time
    switch(digit) {
    case 1:
     digitalWrite(digit1, DIGIT_ON);
     digitalWrite(segDP, HIGH);
   case 2:
      digitalWrite(digit2, DIGIT_ON);
      digitalWrite(segDP, LOW);
    case 3:
      digitalWrite(digit3, DIGIT_ON);
      digitalWrite(segDP, HIGH);
    case 4:
      digitalWrite(digit4, DIGIT_ON);
      digitalWrite(segDP, HIGH);
    lightNumber(toDisplay % 10);
    toDisplay /= 10;

     //Turn off all segments

    //Turn off all digits
    digitalWrite(digit1, DIGIT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(digit2, DIGIT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(digit3, DIGIT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(digit4, DIGIT_OFF);

void displayNumber02(int toDisplay) {

#define DIGIT_ON  HIGH
#define DIGIT_OFF  LOW

  for(int digit = 4 ; digit > 0 ; digit--) {

    //Turn on a digit for a short amount of time
    switch(digit) {
    case 1:
     digitalWrite(segDP, HIGH);
   case 2:
      digitalWrite(digit2, DIGIT_ON);
      digitalWrite(segDP, LOW);
    case 3:
      digitalWrite(digit3, DIGIT_ON);
      digitalWrite(segDP, HIGH);
    case 4:
      digitalWrite(digit4, DIGIT_ON);
      digitalWrite(segDP, HIGH);
    lightNumber(toDisplay % 10);
    toDisplay /= 10;

     //Turn off all segments

    //Turn off all digits
    digitalWrite(digit1, DIGIT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(digit2, DIGIT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(digit3, DIGIT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(digit4, DIGIT_OFF);

void displayNumber03(int toDisplay) {

#define DIGIT_ON  HIGH
#define DIGIT_OFF  LOW

  for(int digit = 4 ; digit > 0 ; digit--) {

    //Turn on a digit for a short amount of time
    switch(digit) {
    case 1:
     digitalWrite(digit1, DIGIT_ON);
     digitalWrite(segDP, HIGH);
   case 2:
      digitalWrite(digit2, DIGIT_ON);
      digitalWrite(segDP, HIGH);
    case 3:
      digitalWrite(digit3, DIGIT_ON);
      digitalWrite(segDP, HIGH);
    case 4:
      digitalWrite(digit4, DIGIT_ON);
      digitalWrite(segDP, HIGH);
    lightNumber(toDisplay % 10);
    toDisplay /= 10;

     //Turn off all segments

    //Turn off all digits
    digitalWrite(digit1, DIGIT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(digit2, DIGIT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(digit3, DIGIT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(digit4, DIGIT_OFF);

void displayNumber04(int toDisplay) {

#define DIGIT_ON  HIGH
#define DIGIT_OFF  LOW

  for(int digit = 4 ; digit > 0 ; digit--) {

    //Turn on a digit for a short amount of time
    switch(digit) {
    case 1:
     digitalWrite(segDP, HIGH);
   case 2:
      digitalWrite(digit2, DIGIT_ON);
      digitalWrite(segDP, HIGH);
    case 3:
      digitalWrite(digit3, DIGIT_ON);
      digitalWrite(segDP, HIGH);
    case 4:
      digitalWrite(digit4, DIGIT_ON);
      digitalWrite(segDP, HIGH);
    lightNumber(toDisplay % 10);
    toDisplay /= 10;

     //Turn off all segments

    //Turn off all digits
    digitalWrite(digit1, DIGIT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(digit2, DIGIT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(digit3, DIGIT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(digit4, DIGIT_OFF);

//Given a number, turns on those segments
//If number == 10, then turn off number
void lightNumber(int numberToDisplay) {


  switch (numberToDisplay){

  case 0:
    digitalWrite(segA, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segB, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segC, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segD, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segE, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segF, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segG, SEGMENT_OFF);

  case 1:
    digitalWrite(segA, SEGMENT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(segB, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segC, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segD, SEGMENT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(segE, SEGMENT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(segF, SEGMENT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(segG, SEGMENT_OFF);

  case 2:
    digitalWrite(segA, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segB, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segC, SEGMENT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(segD, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segE, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segF, SEGMENT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(segG, SEGMENT_ON);

  case 3:
    digitalWrite(segA, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segB, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segC, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segD, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segE, SEGMENT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(segF, SEGMENT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(segG, SEGMENT_ON);

  case 4:
    digitalWrite(segA, SEGMENT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(segB, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segC, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segD, SEGMENT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(segE, SEGMENT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(segF, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segG, SEGMENT_ON);

  case 5:
    digitalWrite(segA, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segB, SEGMENT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(segC, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segD, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segE, SEGMENT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(segF, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segG, SEGMENT_ON);

  case 6:
    digitalWrite(segA, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segB, SEGMENT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(segC, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segD, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segE, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segF, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segG, SEGMENT_ON);

  case 7:
    digitalWrite(segA, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segB, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segC, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segD, SEGMENT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(segE, SEGMENT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(segF, SEGMENT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(segG, SEGMENT_OFF);

  case 8:
    digitalWrite(segA, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segB, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segC, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segD, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segE, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segF, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segG, SEGMENT_ON);

  case 9:
    digitalWrite(segA, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segB, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segC, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segD, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segE, SEGMENT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(segF, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segG, SEGMENT_ON);

  // all segment are ON
  case 10:
    digitalWrite(segA, SEGMENT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(segB, SEGMENT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(segC, SEGMENT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(segD, SEGMENT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(segE, SEGMENT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(segF, SEGMENT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(segG, SEGMENT_OFF);
  // degree symbol made by niq_ro
  case 11:
    digitalWrite(segA, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segB, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segC, SEGMENT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(segD, SEGMENT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(segE, SEGMENT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(segF, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segG, SEGMENT_ON);

  // C letter made by niq_ro
  case 12:
    digitalWrite(segA, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segB, SEGMENT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(segC, SEGMENT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(segD, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segE, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segF, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segG, SEGMENT_OFF);
  // H letter made by niq_ro
  case 13:
    digitalWrite(segA, SEGMENT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(segB, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segC, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segD, SEGMENT_OFF);
    digitalWrite(segE, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segF, SEGMENT_ON);
    digitalWrite(segG, SEGMENT_ON);
   ... cat atat, momentan.

Un comentariu:

  1. frumos, ai avansat mult cu arduino.
    mai adauga la ceas o data si eventual o temperatura si sa mearga afisate pe rand, ar fi si mai frumos
